What is Kyusho?

Kyusho is a Japanese word that directly translates as “Vital Point.” In many martial arts circles the term Kyusho is associated with pressure points.

Seiyu Oyata coined the term Kyusho-Jitsu in reference to Pressure Point fighting. Grandmaster George Dillman then promoted the term and referenced it to “One-Second Fighting” with the idea that if you utilized pressure points the fight would only be one second long.

What is an Uke?

In the martial arts the term Uke is used as a title for the person who receives a technique. Some schools refer to an Uke as the attacker. In my school we refer to an Uke as “The one who suffers for the sake of learning.”

For my school definition, I have to give Gary Boaz credit. He used the term and definition in one of his web videos on the ExpertVillage channel. I thought it was so cool, I had to use it.

Do You Teach Seminars?

Absolutely yes.  If you would like to contract Sensei Mish to teach a workshop, please contact him through his school site artisanmartialarts.com.

If All The Episodes Are Free To Watch, Why Would I Need a Membership?

That’s a great question.  The simple answer is… To show your support for the series. 

Yes, all of the seasonal episodes are free for anyone with or without membership.  However, we have created a 3 tier membership scale, with each level giving access to certain materials.  Membership has its privileges.

  • Uke – This is a monthly plan. You will have access to all of the Kyusho Korner™ episodes – seasonal and those specifically designated as Online or DVD only.  There are other tools currently in production that will help learning that this level will access.
  • Sensei – This is a monthly plan. You will have access to everything the Uke Level has access to, in addition to extra training videos, and a discount on all Kyusho Information Sheet purchases.
  • Master – This is a yearly plan.  You will have access to everything the Sensei Level has access to, in addition to being able to access all the Kyusho Information Sheets for free.

Learn about our membership offers Click Here

How Else Can I Support Kyusho Korner™?

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